
Codeine to be reconsidered

New Zealand authorities have confirmed that the country’s Medicines Classification Committee will consider whether codeine based medicines should become prescription only.  The item is set for discussion at the next committee meeting on 16 May, with the move following the controversial TGA decision in Australia which will see medicines with codeine move to S4 from 01 Feb next year.

NZ’s Medsafe regulator has prepared a range of options for the committee to consider, including moving codeine to prescription only or maintaining the status quo.  The discussion paper includes the rationale of the Australian decision, with the agenda item suggesting investigation of the possibility trans-Tasman harmonisation of codeine regulation.

The organisation also cited NZ addiction specialists who had indicated there were persistent problems with the abuse of OTC codeine products.  The previous committee meeting recommended a review of the relationships between the Australian and NZ markets, the role of codeine in cough and cold products and whether the benefit of its use outweighs the risk of harm.

Source:, Friday 7 April 2017 &